While working on Composting unit, its  design and manufacturing in Nashik, I visited a composting plant on 27th March as a part of study.

This plant is developed and maintained by Nashik Municipal Corporation and Nashik Waste Management Pvt. Ltd.

All the dry and wet waste is collected from entire city and processed in this plant.

There are various sections in this plant.

At entry point waste is weighted and segregated.

500 tons of waste collected per day


  • RDF: – Refused Derived Fuel

Plastic waste is shredded and sent to furnace to burn directly. Shredded plastic is used as fuel. As per demand it supplied to customer.

250 tons per day plastic shredded.

  • Incinerator:-

Dead animals are burnt in this section.

Average 25 animals per day. Mostly goats came to section.

  • Biogas plant:-

Black water from compost beds is collected through channels.

It is filtered- filtered water from black water used in fire brigade and remaining supplied to biogas plant.

Biogas is used to generate electricity & use to run plant.

Generator specification: MCP-3P-50KVA

  • Compost:-

After segregation, beds of wet waste are formed and culture is spread over the beds.

This bed is kept for 30 days to open atmosphere.

Black water formed in these beds is used to biogas.

After 30 days compost is ready.

Small amount of plastic parts are removed from compost in two stages.

Ready compost is packed and sells to farmers at 3000 rs per ton.

45 to 50 kg compost is produced per day.