
I made hand Gloves in the Fab Lab for harvesting vegetables especially Okra. By wearing this gloves, you can easily cut Okra (lady finger) in the field.


I am from farming community. My grandparents are growing vegetables in their farm like Brinjal, Cauliflower, Coriander, Spinach, Fenugreek, Lady finger (Okra), etc. During my vacation, I observed that okras are removed from the plants either by breaking or cutting them from the stalk. It was done manually and my grandfather is using razor blade to cut Okra. His both hands get occupied to cut Okra. He kept his basket on the ground. He got several scratches on his hand and also has skin irritation due to juice from the stem. After cutting of each fruit, he need to bend to keep fruit in the basket.

Fruits cutters available in the market are too heavy and creates strain on joints between thumb and index finger.


I have developed hand gloves to cut Okra. This product has mainly divided into two parts:

1) Gloves   2) Cutter holder

Cutter assembly attached to the index finger and thumb of gloves. Okra stem will be cut between blade attached to index finger and base attached to thumb of gloves.

I developed cutter holder and base using 3D printer. I have designed gloves using solid works.

Looking at all these problems, I got idea to develop gloves with cutter in the fab lab.