The objective was to evaluate the efficiency of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal water
heaters under typical cloudy weather conditions. This assessment aimed to understand how these
renewable energy systems perform when sunlight is limited, providing insights into their practical
applications and effectiveness in varying weather scenarios.

Day 1: Learned Concepts Related to Solar PV and Solar Thermal Water Heater

  • Day 1:
  • Spent the day studying and understanding the fundamental concepts related to solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal water heaters.
  • Reviewed academic papers, technical documents, and other resources to build a solid foundation on how these systems operate, especially under cloudy weather conditions.

Day 2: Learned How to Find the Efficiency of Solar PV and Solar Thermal Water Heater

  • Day 2:
  • Focused on learning the methods and formulas to calculate the efficiency of solar PV panels and solar thermal water heaters.
  • Reviewed efficiency calculation techniques, including energy input and output measurements and the factors influencing efficiency under various weather conditions.

Day 3-4: Finding Efficiency of Solar Thermal Water Heater

  • Day 3:
  • Measured the diameter and length of the evacuated tubes used in the solar thermal water heater to calculate the total collector area.
  • Recorded temperatures of the water at different times of the day, noting the influence of cloudy weather on temperature variations.
  • Day 4:
  • Calculated the energy input and output for the solar thermal water heater.
  • Determined the efficiency of the solar thermal water heater by comparing the energy output to the energy input, considering the cloudy weather conditions.

Day 5-6: Finding Efficiency of Solar PV

  • Day 5:
  • Set up experiments to measure the power output of the solar PV panels under cloudy weather conditions.
  • Collected data on the voltage and current output of the PV panels at different times of the day.
  • Day 6:
  • Analyzed the collected data to calculate the efficiency of the solar PV panels.
  • Compared the performance data with typical efficiency ranges to evaluate the impact of cloudy weather on the PV system’s performance.

Day 7: Study on Results Obtained

  • Day 7:
  • Conducted a detailed study on the results obtained from both the solar thermal water heater and solar PV panels.
  • Analyzed the data to understand the efficiency variations and the overall performance of the systems under typical cloudy weather conditions.
  • Identified key insights and findings from the study.

Day 8: Drafting the Documentation for the Project

  • Day 8:
  • Drafted the documentation for the project, including all sections such as the objective, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Compiled additional data, diagrams, and figures to support the findings.
  • Ensured that the document was well-organized, clear, and professional.

Day 9: Uploading it to Blog

  • Day 9:
  • Converted the document into desired formats (e.g., PDF, Word) and checked for file integrity and readability.
  • Uploaded the project report to the blog, ensuring that all content was correctly displayed.
  • Scheduled and published blog posts, sharing the project findings with a wider audience.
  • Monitored the blog for any feedback or issues, responding promptly to any inquiries.

Final Review and Monitoring

  • Conducted a final review of the blog post, ensuring all information was accurate and well-presented.
  • Continued to monitor the blog for engagement and feedback, making any necessary adjustments based on reader responses.

Day 1

  • Diameter of evacuated tube: 5.5 cm
  • Length of evacuated tube: 174 cm
  • Total area of evacuated tube collector: 3.06 m²
  • Temperature of water at 9 am: 39°C
  • Temperature of water at 5 pm: 46°C
  • Capacity of storage tank: 500 LPD
  • Energy in 1 m²: 813 J/m² Calculations:
    • Input Energy: 71.648 × 10⁶ J
    • Output Energy: 14.651 × 10⁶ J
    • Efficiency: 20%
  • Day 2
  • Diameter of evacuated tube: 5.5 cm
  • Length of evacuated tube: 174 cm
  • Total area of evacuated tube collector: 3.06 m²
  • Temperature of water at 9 am: 38°C
  • Temperature of water at 5 pm: 43°C
  • Capacity of storage tank: 500 LPD
  • Energy in 1 m²: 813 J/m²
    • Input Energy: 71.648 × 10⁶ J
    • Output Energy: 10.465 × 10⁶ J
    • Efficiency: 14%
  • Solar PV
    Length= 1.95 m
    Width= 0.96 m
    Area= 1.87 * 6= 11.23 m2
    V= 240 V
    I= 1.50 A
    Input= 1000 W/m2
    T= 25 Degree Celcius
    Air Mass= 1.5
    Power= VI= 2401.56= 375W Power/ Area= 375/11.23 = 33.39 W/m2 Efficiency= (33.39/1000)100= 3.3 %
  • Analysis Performed:
    o Calculated the efficiency of the solar thermal water heater for two days, highlighting the
    impact of cloudy weather on its performance.
    o Compared the results with expected efficiency ranges for solar thermal systems.
    Key Outcomes:
    o The efficiency of the solar thermal water heater was 20% on Day 1 and 14% on Day 2,
    indicating a reduction in performance due to cloudy weather conditions.
    o The decrease in efficiency demonstrates the impact of reduced sunlight on the heating
    capability of solar thermal systems.

Interpretation of Results:
The results showed a significant drop in efficiency on the second day, reflecting the impact of cloudy
weather on solar thermal water heater performance. The decrease in efficiency from 20% to 14%
suggests that while solar thermal systems can still operate under cloudy conditions, their effectiveness
is notably reduced compared to clear weather.
Challenges Faced:
o Cloudy Weather: Reduced sunlight led to lower energy input and, consequently, lower
o Measurement Accuracy: Variability in weather conditions may affect the accuracy of
measurements and calculations.