Flat bed dryer project was assigned to me , Shivanjali and Rutika .we both are working on it together as decided in a first meeting with Kulkarni sir and Ranjeet sir in presence of prasad sir and Abhijeet sir .



This was our first day in Vigyan Ashram Pabal . we all interns and fellows join the college student which was coming for the campus visit . under the prasad sir and Abhijeet sir we completed our visit .we saw the various project model including solar dome dryer , flat bed dryer , Hydrophonic and chemistry lab in which various process conducted.


we discussed some assignments with dixit sir ,prasad sir , Abhijeet sir . they gave us the assignment on Arti bamboo dryer and Nandini flat bed dryer . the arti bamboo dryer was the pyramid shape dryer .we calculate some calculation related to this two dryers.


This day we continue our calculation on flat bed dryer and bamboo dryer . after discussed with prasad sir we calculate the different loading capacity of different items . alternately they gave us the assignment on solar chilly dryer . the scaledown calculation are calculated .the solar chilly dryer includes the three main sections the dome ,tray ,and remaining body .


after meeting with prasad sir we study on the 3D printing work and laser cutting . alternately we join the online session on drone technology . after that session we again visited the flat bed dryer in the presence of Abhijeet sir .


after meeting with prasad sir we decided the next step of our work. we calculated the dimensions of L angle and total area required .also calculate the total amount of polycarbonate sheet used .after that which type of material used for frame ,its thickness and its cost pre kg .


that day we meeting with Ranjeet sir and discussing our work . after that we meeting prasad sir and discussing the work related on it . we divided our work in three parts . i am working on tray part in the solar dome dryer . we all calculated the respected work on solar dome dryer . after that we works on Solidworks .


that day we woks on Solidwork in the presence of Abhijeet sir .we starting to learn some tutorial on Solidworks . we also disscused the some other software which was needed to made flat bed dryer and also solar dome dryer.


that day we visited the Agrorangers office . they visited us to their various works and models . after that we visited the Fab Lab for some fabrication work . we cutting the all Sqauretubes with proper dimensions .


Tha day we are participating as a volunteers in agrorangers .


That day we are discussing with Abhijeet sir about the project . after that we are went in a Fablab for learning 3D printer and laser cutting . after that we attend the womens day program meeting . then we are completed our design part in solidworks .


That day after discussing with Abhijeet sir we are continue our solar dome dryer design part on Solidworks . after that we are completed the actual fablab work by using drill machine , welding , and other tools . afer half day we are attend the womens day program .


That dat we are discussing our project with prasad sir and abhijeet sir and then continue our design work .