Componet used

  1. Arduino UNO –
  2. Smart robot car chassis with 2 x toy car wheels and 1 x Universal wheel (or ball casters) –
  3. Two DC motors – 
  4. L298n motor driver – 
  5. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sonar sensor – 
  6. TowerPro micro servo 9g – 
  7. 7.4V 1300mah Lipo battery – 
  8. Jumper wires (male-to-male, male-to-female)
  9. Ultrasonic sonar sensor mounting bracket
  10. Screws and nuts
  11. Screwdriver
  12. Soldering iron
  13. Double sided tape(optional)
  14. Hot glue gun(optional)

Programming Arduino UNO

  1. Download and Install the Arduino Desktop IDE
  2. Download and paste NewPing library (Ultrasonic sensor function library) file to the Arduino libraries folder.
    • Download the NewPing.rar below
    • Extract it to the path – C:\Arduino\libraries