I AM sandhya bansode and i complited my btech from N.K Orchid College Of Engineering and Technology And i worked in jabil circut as Qality Engineer Now i join DIY lab becouse i want enhance my skills and improve my practical skills and also learn the diffrent activity so I thougt DIY is best work place for my qurious mind when i join DIY lab first i learnt basic Mechanical tools from Akash and he gives me all information abut mechanical and also electronic tools like c clamp and soldring gun and how to handl drill machine .
DIY Machine
i learnt the diffrent DIY Machine like Mentance of 3d printer
- introduction Mentence of 3D Printer
- introduction laser cutter
MY Project and Activity
i strarting undrstanding from serial amd parelle circut. becouse of six months of study gup i need recal My bescis of electronic and electrical things so Tejaswini Tai tought me abut parelle and series cuirut and how to find the registor value and also using thinkar cad softwar.

series and parelle circuit
this what i done by using thinkrcad softwar .
I aftr compliting that i got touch with aurdino its also from basic done dht 12 sensor serial monitor sys. and Tempreture Monitoring System using LCD.

Componets Used
- Bred bord
- Conector wire
- Aurdino uno
Spin Art Machin
its also my project ater that i done spin art machin its all aabut learnig new basic componet and also making fun with learming
for student.
i done this with help of leasr cutr in spin art i have learnt how to use leasr cutter for cutting of card bord shets and tyeps of card bord sheets how to set ther speed and power and which mode.

Me pointing the card bord for leser cutter under gudenc of Tejswini Tai
componets used
- DC Motor
- 9 volt battry or adptor
- for cutting laser cuttr
- colours pen

THIS all cuting done using laser cutr

after joined there cutting parts its look like this.
with this ful of fun project i also leart out dore activity with DIY students and tejswini tai

IN this Out Dore activity i leart so many things related to agriculture and agriculture tols and how to do planting and how to take care of plants with help of composer.
and how much composer requered to plant and how much water shuld we have to gave to plant for there groth.

Me with DIY students when we done out dore activity
with this activity i got connect with other project which is DIY paper for dIY paper i learnt the how to use c clam and metal sheet cutting scissors.and its all taught bytejaswini tai .

me cutting the metal sheet with metal cutter under gudes of Tejswinini Tai

Me adjesing the bench vice under gudes of Tejswini Tai
with this all i also took some tour of DIY LAB some schools comes for visit or some parents and like some visitotrs i gives them some information realated to our DIY LAB

me taking tour for some students from othr schools
obstacl avoider robot activity with student

I am done this activity with students and cheeked all electronic component’s and sensor of this project so i found that ultrasonic sensor are not working so i cheang replace ultrasonic sensor then project and i help to design this project model with student .

me debugging the program and checking hardware parts are in run or not

tejwini tai took worksop and i am part of that work shop

In this workshop my role was taught to students how the makes robot car using paper bored and motor only .
dark detecting diva using ldr
this lamp / diva is based on ldr and transistor and special is that when the ther is no light then diva/ lamp is automatically start to working.

beta softwer soild work for student

this what beta solid work for kids software . satrday and friday activity also learn the new softwer which called the beta solid works for kids in that we can make the different mechanical tool and mechanisiom. in this software students can learn many things or many tyep of mechanism and we can desion diffrent type of mechnisiom
design circuits by using thinkercad