Introduction :
Soybean is a leguminous vegetable of the pea family. On global basis over 65 % of food protein and over 80% of food energy is supplied by plants. Legumes are the richest source of protein from plants. Among the Legumes, Soybean is the most importance source protein (35 to 45%) Be side, it is valuable source of vegetable oil (18 to22 %). Malnutrition, particularly protein deficiency, is prevalent in many parts of animal protein is too expensive for most populations. Many leguminous crops provide some protein, but soybean is the only available crop that provides an inexpensive and high quality source of protein comparable to meat, poultry and eggs
Consumption Soya based foods Reduces Cancer, Blood serum Cholesterol, osteoporosis and heart diseases. Isoflavones, lecithin and oligosaccharides are the other nutraceuticals components present in soybean. Soybeans contain three primary isoflavones in their glycosides from genistein, daidzein and glycinin.
soybean score approximately 16 on the glycemic index is very low
Soybean contain three primary isoflavones in their glycosides from genistein, daidzein and glycinin
Indias protein consumption is much lower than the 48 g per day that is recommended by Indian council of Medical Research (ICMR). The recommended dietary allowance of protein for an average Indian is 0.8 to 1g per kg body weight, however the average intake is about 0.6 g per kg body weight. A 2017 shows that 73% Indians are Deficient in protein while about 90% are unaware of the daily requirement of protein
Elimination of anti-nutritional factors (trypsin inhibitor) and off-flavor from Soybean seeds will enhance liking of Soy-based food by the consumers with incorporation of consumer preferred flavor, vegetable soybean can be a good food for the people
. Soybean contains several anti-nutrition factor among the which trypsin inhibitor, phytase are primarily responsible for improper digestibility.
1. To eliminate anti-nutritional factors and off-flavor from soybean seeds by processing using various process method like soaking, sprouting, drying, roasting, frying, etc.
2. To formulate the roasted soybean (Soyabean futane) using calcium chloride specially for hypertension people
सुरुवातीला चर्चे मध्ये असे बोलणे झाले की आपल्या भारत देशातिल समाजामध्ये protein ची deficiency आहे आणि प्रोटीन बद्दल बहुतेक लोकाना माहितीच नाही. आपल्याला प्रोटीन वरती काम केले पाहिजे असे समजले. आपल्याला सर्वात जास्त प्रोटीन कोणत्या घटकातून मिळेल याची आम्ही लिस्ट केली जसे की सोयाबीन, हरभरा, गिरीपुष्प, कडधान्य इत्यादि.त्यामध्ये सोयाबीन आणि हरभरा यांचा Glycemic index कमी आहे व ते पचण्यासाठी अवघड आहे तर त्याच्यावर प्रक्रिया केली की त्याचे Digestion सोपे होईल.
आईने घरी सोयाबीन तेलामध्ये Deep Frying करून दिले होते व त्याची Testआम्ही सर्वांनी पाहिली त्याची Test खूपच छान लागली व ते पुन्हा पुन्हा खावे असे वाटू लागले त्यावरून आश्रमामध्ये ट्रायल घेणे मी चालू केले पहिला पोर्शन असा होता की Soybean Soaking थोडेसे मोड आणणे जेणेकरून मोड आल्यामुळे आणखीन Protein Intec वाढेल.
Moisture content of raw soybean
Petri plate weight: 73.20g
Petri plate + Sample: 78.47g
Sample: 5.27g
Time(Sec) | Weight (Gram) |
0 | 78.47 |
180 | 78.06 |
240 | 78.03 |
300 | 78.03 |
Moisture content = Initial Weight-Final weight/weight of sample*100
= 78.47-78.03/5.27*100
Food lab Available असलेल्या सोयाबीन मधील Moisture content 8.34% आहे.
22/12/2023 1st trial
Deep Frying soybean
Ingredients: soybean- 500g
Water – 1000g
Oil – 500g
Chat masala1-10g
- Washing soybean use of water
- Soaking 12hr After soaking soybean weight- 1.148kg
- Drying On Cotton cloth 2hr After drying soybean weight- 1004g
यानंतर दोन भाग केले एक भाग सोयाबीनचे साल काढलेले व दुसरा भाग पूर्ण सोयाबीन
1st Part
-Decover soybean weight- 441g
-Soybean peel weight- 49g
-Frying Utensils Weight + Oil weight = 763g + 500g =1263g
-After frying soybean weigh-253g
-After Frying Utensils Weight + Oil weight=1213g
-Remaining ingredients add into the soybean
2nd Part
-soybean weight- 514g
–After frying soybean weigh-269g
-After Frying Utensils Weight + Oil weight=1161g
-Use Chat masala-5g and salt-5g
Part 1 and part 2 हे दोन्ही सॅम्पल टेस्ट केल्यानंतर आमच्या असे लक्षात आले की साल काढलेले सोयाबीन पेक्षा साल न काढलेले सोयाबीन अधिक चांगले व क्रंची लागत होते आणि फ्राईंग करण्याचा टाईम वाढवला पाहिजे हे ही लक्षात आले.
पण हे सोयाबीन टेस्ट केल्यानंतर समजले की याचा Oil content खूप वाढला आहे. ऑइल असल्यामुळे सोयाबीन लवकर Rancid होते. ऑइल कंटेंट काढण्यासाठी आपल्याला Soxhlet method oil estimation टेस्ट केली पाहिजे.

Trial 2nd 26/12/2023
Ingredients: soybean- 500g
Water – 1000g
Oil – 500g
Chat masala1-10g
Chilly powder-3g
- Washing soybean use of water
- Soaking 12hr After soaking soybean weight- 1.142kg
- Drying On Cotton cloth 2hr After drying soybean weight- 1.047kg
Moisture content of Soaked soybean
Petri plate weight: 73.20g
Petri plate + Sample: 78.33g
Sample: 5.14g
Time | weight |
0 | 78.33 |
180 | 75.48 |
240 | 75.47 |
300 | 75.47 |
Moisture content = Initial Weight-Final weight/weight of sample*100
-Frying Utensils Weight + Oil weight = 1155g(Initial weight)
-After Frying Utensils Weight + Oil weight=1044g (Final weight)
-Remaining ingredients add into the soybean
—After frying soybean weigh-533g
-For Approximately oil content= Initial weight-Final weight
Moisture content of Fried soybean
Petri plate weight:70.31g
Petri plate + Sample: 75.34g
Sample: 5.03g
Time | weight |
0 | 75.34 |
180 | 75.30 |
240 | 75.29 |
280 | 75.29 |
Moisture content = Initial Weight-Final weight/weight of sample*100
Fried सोयाबीनचा Oil content काढण्यासाठी Soxhalet available नाही झाले म्हणून Approximate Oil content काढला पण ऑइल सोयाबीनला जास्त प्रमाणात राहते हे समजले नंतर आम्ही Roasted रोस्टेड सोयाबीन कडे वळलो व सोयाबीन रोस्ट करण्यासाठी मिठाचा वापर करायचा असे ठरवले.

29/12/2024 trail3rd
Roasted Soybean
Ingredients: soybean- 200g
Water – 500g
- Washing soybean use of water
- Soaking 12hr
- Drying On Cotton cloth 2hr After drying soybean weight- 271g
Half kg salt वापरून रोस्टिंग केले.
After Roasting soybean weight=160g

I used salted water for soaking of soybean but it leads to problem in sprouting of soybean.
The Overall acceptability of Roasted soybean was good.
12/01/24 4th trial
4th Trial Calcium chloride use for Soybean soaking because Calcium chloride is substituted for sodium chloride in foods provide a salty flavor, provide longer shelf life for food and reduce the food Sodium content. Consuming excess dietary sodium can result health in problems.
HCl + Ca(OH)2 = CaCl2 + H2O
Chemistry lab मध्ये Chemical reaction करून कॅल्शियम क्लोराइड तयार केले.
या Trial मध्ये Double soaking आणि Double drying करायचे असे ठरले जेणेकरून Sprouting la प्रॉब्लेम येणार नाही.
- Soaking 100g soybean +water200g 9hr
- After soybean weight 201g
- Drying For 2hr Soybean weight 152g
- 2nd time Soaking use cacl2 Soybean152g+water152g+30g cacl2
- 2nd time drying 160g soybean
- Then Roasting Soybean
- Final weight of soybean 112g

4th ट्रायल मध्ये Cacl2 वापरले सोयाबीनची टेस्ट खूपच कडू आणि सोयाबीन Tasteless लागत होते पुढच्या Trial बाहेरून आणलेले कॅल्शियम क्लोराइड Use करायचे असे ठरवले.
In this trial i used cacl2 which was prepared by reacting HCl with lime but it gets failed and overall acceptance was very bad.
Roasted soybean 5th trial
या Trial मध्ये आम्ही मार्केटमधून आणलेले कॅल्शियम क्लोराइड वापरले.
- Soaking Soybean 100g + water 200g soybean weight- 210g Moisture Content-22.84%
- Drying Soybean weight-115g
- 2nd time soaking 115g Soybean+150g water+15g cacl2 soybean weight-162g
- 2nd time drying Soybean weight-118g Moisture content-45%
चौथ्या ट्रायलमध्ये व पाचवा ट्रायल मध्ये कॅल्शियम क्लोराइड चा वापर केला पण दोन्ही ट्रायल tasteless व कडू लागत होत्या म्हणून सोडियम क्लोराइड वापरायचे असे ठरवले.
Overall acceptance was very bad.
Roasted Soybean 6th trail
- Soaking 100g soybean +water200g 7hr
- After soybean weight 225g
- Drying For 2hr Soybean weight 134g
- 2nd time Soaking Soybean134g+water200g+15g Salt
- 2nd time drying 115g soybean
- Then Roasting Soybean Weight-95g
ह्या ट्रायलमध्ये Second time Drying चे प्रमाण वाढल्यामुळे Moisture content कमी झाले त्यामुळे Roast केल्यानंतर सोयाबीन क्रिस्पी झाले नाही व थोडी Test change झाली.
Overall acceptability is Not good
Procedure 7th trial
दोन ट्रायल घेण्यात आल्या
Double Soaking and Drying
With salt
- Soaking 100g soybean +water200g 7hr
- After soybean weight 211g
- Drying For 2hr Soybean weight 116g
- 2nd time Soaking Soybean116g+water150g+15g Salt Soybean weight-172g
- 2nd time drying
- Then Roasting Soybean Weight-94g
Single Soaking and Drying
Without salt
- Washing soybean use of water
- Soaking 12hr 100g Soybean + 200g water
- Drying On Cotton cloth 2hr After drying soybean weight- 255g
- Roasting
Sensory analysis
Color | Aroma | texture | taste | Mouthfeel | overall acceptibility | |
With salt | 8.33 | 7.66 | 9 | 7 | 6 | 7.59 |
without salt | 8.33 | 8.66 | 8.66 | 8.66 | 8.66 | 8.59 |
According to sensory analysis, Overall acceptance of both soaked with and without salt were good. Tha sample soaked with salt had more salty taste, on other hands sample soaked without salt had little bit salty due to Roasted in salt and having good test and mothfeel..
या दोन्ही ट्रायल घेतल्यानंतर डबल सोकिंग अँड ड्रॉइंग पेक्षा सिंगल शूटिंग अँड ड्राइंग चे सोयाबीन अधिक चांगले लागत होते
