As cattles urine is usefull, human’s urine is also usefull and it contains many necessary chemicals/Nutrients which are rich source of the plant or very important to the plants growth such as N, P, K & etc. As a comparison it does not contains any sirus material in the human’s fead. A normal human can easily produce around 1.5-2 litters of urine a day.
Urine composition
The urine contains so many chemicals and the water also. The chemicals and their presence in persentage is below.
- 0.05% Ammonia
- 0.12% Phosphate
- 0.01% Magnesium
- 0.6% Potassium
- 0.1% Creatinine
- 2% Urea
- 0.18% Sulphate
- 0.6% Chloride
- 0.015% Calcium
- 0.1% Sodium
- 0.03% Uric acid
- 95% Water
- Urine is rich source of N,P,K
- Design a structure or system to harvest this nutrients
- Prototype above said system
- Test it with respect to foal odour and capacity to W.R.T. urine consumed per day
Need Of Project
To compost the urine and to use it for the plants.To make it use as a composter and also to compost the urine.
Discussed with Dr.Dixit sir about this project so sir told me to first bring the 10 kg of biomass,10kg of saw dust and 10kg of Gasoline.

Today gone to buy 10kg saw dust and gasoline after that i collected and got only 3 kg of bio mass from the Ashram.

After collecting this 3 materials. I took 50g sample of bio mass and chewed it well to make them in very small particles as possible as to check it’s water holding capacity. Same as taken other matters and checked their water holding capacity

Took 50 gm of bio mass sample and added 100 ml of water in it to check it’s water holding capacity. From 100 ml of water only 50 ml of water came down from it. It means it has 50% of water holding capacity
Took 50gm saw dust sample and added 200 ml of water. From 200 ml of water only 20 ml water came down from it.
Took 50gm of bagas sample with 100 ml of water and added water in it. From 100 ml of water 70 ml water came down.
So from the above result we come to know that the saw dust have more water holding capacity than bio gas and bagas.
I show the observation of water holding capacity to the Dixit sir and had a discussion about which material should be taken for this project. After finishing the conversation sir gave a choice to choose saw dust or the bio mass. So i choosed saw dust material. Also sir told me to put in a container and make the container to move round. And to add 2 litters of urine in it every day and to take the observations.
There was one old container so select it and took the measurements of the container. So i contacted to Prasad sir told him about the project because I was confused about how should I make i move around it. So Prasad sir told me calculate it’s volume and all.

To Measure the volume i first tooke 1 kg of saw dust and put it in a bucket and added 166 ml of urine in to measured the radius and height of it to calculate actual how much space it is required in the container.

R1 = 2.85 Feet R2 = 2.95 Feet And height = 0.34 feet
This measurements are after adding material and the urine
Here is the pdf of all the calculations

I transferred the saw dust from 1 bag to the another bag to take it approximately 12 kg. And after measuring it again transferred it in a container.

After transferring the saw dust in a container i added 2 litters of urine in it and rotated manually for some time mix it well.

added 2 litters of urine every day and also rolled it manually for about 4 to 5 minutes.
After some days it was looking like this

in image it looking more brighter but it was dark in colour. We can see it in half part of it.
- It was not having that much smell
- Successfull in composting the urine and the saw dust