How to increase (k) potassium in slurry
Bio gas plant a type of structure in which we put some specific amount of organic wast or home wast or farm wast which can be decomposabal whith in the bio gas plant by the help of anaerobic respiration . In this it gets decompose and makes methane gas with other gases also by which we use methane to generate heat and electricity and the decomposed material known as slurry comes out which is used in farming
so In bio slurry
- Nitrogen is 2 %
- Phasphorus is 1 %
- Potassium is 1 %
how to increase these nutrient in the bio gas slurry
Date = 8/10/2022
I took 4 countenr
in 1st contaner I put 5 liter water and 500 gm ash

in 2nd container I put 5 liter water and 500 gm ash and 25 ml nitric acid
in 3rd container I put 5 liter bio gas sulrry
in 4th container I put 5 liter bio gas sulrry and KSB(potassium solublesing bacteria) put that on bubbling for 48 hours
Date = 11/10/2022
I took COD of normal slurry
COD = 8000
Date= 12/10/2022
I took COD of the slurry in which I did bubbling
COD = 8000
Date = 13/10/2022
after 48 hours I took redings of potassium from flame photometer

Date = 17/10/2022
after 48 hours I tested all the solution by flamephotometer to determine potassium
Slurry +KMB+PSB = 180
Slurry +KMB. = 50
Slurry + bubbling = 50
Only Slurry = 20
ash + nitric acid = 450
only ash =250
if I take 5.5 ml slurry combination and mix it with dubble of water means 10 ml so I will get a 100 ppm solution
now by the result any farmer can put slurry in appropriately in the field