We were given a task to build a cage for hen chicks
we started by collecting material from the scrap
then a structure was made with the help of welding.

After this structure was completely welded, we had to put net around this structure.
so we started taking measurements for cutting of net.

After we cut the net we started welding it on the structure.

The net was completed welded over the structure .
Now we had to put shelter over the structure we bought blue colour steel patra for the scrap and began to cut it in required size.

after the patra was cut according to size required, we started to attached it to the structure in a way that rain water doesn’t enter inside.
we started joining the patra with the help of bolts.

The structure was completely covered from top.

But for completion we still have to give paint to the structure.
we decided to give the structure black colour paint.

We were given a task to build a Safety Door
We started bring the material from Pabal Market,
We Cut the Channel as a Project required,

Then a structure was made with the help of welding.

Then to make it partition between two side Upper & Lower side.
We are going to put a design on top of the door. complete Door structure with full welding.

We have completely welding the door then after I have to finishing the welding places. because, near welded joints unwanted particles has been collected then this particles we removed using Grander.

Then we have purchase door upper side design from Pabal Village, then we have to assemble it.
When Complete the all Fabrication work we have discuss the Jadhav sir and choose Redox primer for this Safety door.
We Applied primary colour on Safety door and kept it drying. Painted Door by using Roller. We have used Roller for painting due to not available Sprayer system because, the generator is not running.
After gived the Redox on Safety door, we discuss with Jadhav sir about, which paint choosing for Safety door.
Then we have choose and decided to white colour for this safety door.
We have paint the white color on safety door. Painted Safety door by using sprayer. We have used sprayer for painting due to it saves time and work will be fast.
Then we have to assembled Grating for upper side of door; because, mosquito will be enter easily inner side hence we have to assembled the Grating from inside the Safety door.

After complete all fabrication & other works, we discussed and assembled fixed door lock and they will be easily operated.
then I have to go shikrapur and purchase Door safety lock.

I got to learn so many new things, I didn`t knew how to make safety door, it was great experiance
Cage for BSF (Black Soldier Fly)
.What Is Black soldier Fly-Project :–

The Black Soldier Fly, is of the dipteran family Stratiomyidae. The larvae and adults are considered neither pests nor vectors. Instead, black soldier fly larvae play a similar role to that of redworm as essential decomposers in breaking down organic substrates and returning nutrients to the soil. The larvae have voracious appetites and can be used for composting household food scrap and agriculture waste products.
Need Of Structure:
- Restrict flies to escape
- To prevent the eggs and larva from outside environment and damages
- Design of Structure
- List of Material
- Quotation of Material
- Fabrication of Structure
- Finalization of structure
14 oct.2022. – Our Team @abhishek-ahivale, @samarth-tarale and me did discussion with Dr .Dixit and Mr .prasad sir about how should we design our structure for easy and effective use for BSF PROJECT. We finalised a rough ideology of structure and calculated a rough estimate for fabrication.

The design of the Door is designed by @samarth-tarale
Sr. No. | Name of Material | Size | Qty |
1. | Aluminium Mesh | 2mm | 120 sq’ |
2. | Battom Strip | 6.3′(L), 1″(w) & 5mm(T) | 10 |
3. | Square Tube | 20×20mm, 20′(L) & 1.6mm(T) | 2 |
4. | Hinge | 35×40mm | 4 |
5. | Knob | L=80mm, D=8mm | 4 |
6. | Self Screw | L=1”, D=4mm | 150 |
7. | Araldide | 36gm | 1 |
8. | Aldrop | 50×20mm | 2 |
9. | Silicon | 250ml | 2 |
Table 1.1 Required list of material
Quotation or Bill Of Material:
NO. | Name Of Materials | Quantity/Amount | Rate | Cost(Rs) |
1) | square Tube(20*20mm) | 10m | ||
2) | Aluminium Mosquito Net (2*2mm) | 118sq.ft | 20rs.per Sq.ft | 2070 |
3) | Batam-Patti | 20m | 6rs.per ft. | 850 |
4) | Silicon Adhesive | 500ml | 300 rs. | 300 |
5) | Self-screw’s | 250 | 2.5rs/ screw | 625 |
6) | Door lock And Hinges | 3 | 20 rs per | 60 |
7) | redox paint | 500ml | ||
8) | knobs | 4 | 40 |

14th Oct 2022 – 18th Oct 2022
Our Team member: @abhishek-ahivale, @samarth-tarale & Me.
We found a ready skeleton of structure in ashram which was not in use and can be modified for our structure.On the basis of new availability of structure we modified the list of material.
We bought a structure from Dixit sir home which was made for other use.
So we had to make some modification in it as required for BSF cage.
We used polish paper on the structure to clean it.

So we used grinder on the structure and removed the unwanted parts from it.
And welded the structure properly where ever required as per our design.

We went to Pabal village to buy material required for the structure.( Aluminium mesh, Wooden plate, knob, self screw, hing, aldrop, square tube).
We design the door structure and started its fabrication work.

20/10/22 -22/10/22
We started the fixation of Mesh on the BSF structure.
we fixed the mesh on the top part of the structure.
Then we fixed the mesh on all side of the BSF structure but we faced a problem as the bottom side of the structure as the L Angle at the base was very thicker and harder because they were welded. So it was hard to drill in it and took a lot of time.
We went to village to buy drill beats 4.75 mm diameter.

We fixed two small doors to the frame of bigger door with the help of hinge and attached there aldrop according to the instruction given to us.
We drill the bottom side of the structure by using the self screw and coolant so we could attached the mesh at the bottom side and stressed it.

31/10/22- 2/11/22
We went to pabal Villagee to bring more aluminum mesh because we required more mesh for door of the structure( 9 sq feet).
we required more self screw because some screw were not proper and were not able to penitrate.
We made drill holes on the door frame and then on the frame of the structure .
Then we fixed the door with the help of nut bolts to see if it fitted properly and to see if there were any gaps left.

- Fitted net on the doors frame.
- We also fitted knobs to fit the door on structure.

- There was a gap between the net and square tube of structure which was needed to fill so that flies will not egg there.
- We used silicon as a adhesive purpose to fulfill the gaps.
- we also attached cloth as a gas-kit on the area of frame to fulfill gap.
- Finally our structure is now ready
9/11/22- 10/11/22
We fixed the mesh on the door frame of structure , we placed the mesh for the two small door from inside so gap would not remain.
we used self screw and tightened the mesh from all sides.( while inserting self screw our hand slip and a hole was formed on the net and we had to fixed it.
so we discuss with Dixit sir and found out its solution and brought Araldide and applied it with a small piece of mesh and fixed the hole problem..
We applied silicon to fill the gap between mesh and square tube as the flies give eggs in any gap they find and then it is hard to get those eggs out so we had to take care of smallest gap .
there was a gap between the frame of door and frame of structure. We uesd cloth gasket .
Then we found one more problem that there was gap between the frame of door and one of the smaller door .So we used cloth gasket again.
Like this we finally completed our Black solder fly structure.

What I Learned ….
- We learned from this that how Design Thinking Process actually works on the practical projects.
- Also learned How Design and material selection should be done on the client demand and market survey.
- How to do a accurate and proper fabrications.
- Team-Work and team building for progress of project