Originally this project is not my project, it is Tejaswini Patil project.

I am providing the link below:-


So i was asked to move the whole system to the polyhouse, there were reasons for doing so:-

  1. It was shifted to polyhouse during exhibition so all hydroponic system could be explained at a single place,I had to explain this system during exhibition.
  2. Proper maintenance was not given to the system the leaves were turning yellow.
  3. Regular nutrients were not added.

So i had to dismental the system and then shift it part by part to the polyhouse, i shifted it system to the ployhouse and started it again.

system in polyhouse

I took care and explained the system during exhibition.

I also added nutrition in it:-

Nutrient solution :- For 30 lit

K2SO4 2.25 gm

MgSO4 1.9 gm

NH3 1.6 gm

H3PO4 3.7 gm

Preparing solution

Putting all the electrical connection properly and starting the motor so that plants gets nutrients.

Starting the system

then this project we pass to someone else.

But I got to learn so many things from this experience:-

  1. How Flood and Drain system works.
  2. How to prepare nutrient solution for plants.
  3. Learn more about hydroponic systems.
  4. why are brick pieces use in this system.

I had great experience and lot of learning for this work.