29/07/2022 and 30/08/2022
On the day of 29/08/2022 and 30/08/2022 exhibition was arranged by vigyan ashram, pabal. School students, teachers, pabal villagers and guests visited at Exhibition. We explained about projects to them. There were arranged so many stalls, in that stall we explained following topics in exhibition.
1) Tissue culture
2) H2s KIT for water testing
3) Azolla trail on fishes

1) Tissue culture
We explained about tissue culture, how can do it and benefits. Tissue culture is growth of tissue or cells in an artificial medium separate from the parent organism.
Steps in plant tissue culture
Stage 1: Initiation phase
Stage 2: Multiplication stage
Stage 3: Root formation
General procedure for plant tissue culture
Medium preparation
Plant preparation
Transferring the plant material to a tissue culture medium

2) H2S KIT for water testing
We explained that how to check water testing at home to visitors

We explain that how to check water test by using H2s kit they are as follows
- Fill the water up to level mark of bottle (which water do you select)
- Kept for 48 hours then after 48 hours if water is pure or which is used for drinking purpose water colour is yellow and if watercolor is black then it’s not for drinking purpose
after 48 hours We can see the result in following figure that yellow colour water shows that drinking purpose and black water shows that it is not used for drinking purpose.

3) Azolla Trail on fishes
We explained about Azolla and also explained about azolla trail on fishes. basically, azolla trailed on Hen, cow and buffalo. We got result of that milk fat was increased. Azolla (mosquito fern, duckweed fern, fairy moss, water fern) is a genus of seven species of aquatic ferns in the family Salviniaceae. They are extremely reduced in form and specialized, looking nothing like other typical ferns but more resembling duckweed or some mosses. Azolla can be used as an animal feed, a human food, a medicine, and a water purifier. Azolla contain 30% of protein. We can give feed as boiled, control, normal and fermented azolla to animals when we trail Azolla as feed on fishes, we observed that fishes’ weights increased and when we directly give azolla it takes to time to eat if we give boiled azolla, it eats fast and protein content of fishes increased.