Date – 1/6/2022
Introduction – Today onward our training at Vigyan Ashram Pabal and today we did a tour of Vigyan Ashram
In workshop we were shown
- Composter
- Future innovative system
- Dom structure dryer
- Waste Management Unit
- CNC machine cuttings machine- 3*1.5 m bed Plasma -5mm thickness metal .Gas up to 100 mm. Hand torch for free cutting
Uses – Control a range of complex machinery from grinder and lathe to mill to turn raw materials into final product.
- Drilling machine – To cut a round hole into through metal , plastic,wood or other solid materials
- Lathe machine – Shaping , Drilling, Sanding turning cutting and deformation
- Bench vice
- Milling machine
It is used to drill, bore, and cut gears ,threads and slots.
- Hacksaw Machine
- Design Auto Cad
- Laser cutter machine
- 3D Printer
- Monofab -Electonic micro sensor
Irrigation without soil
- Solar bubbler – Oxygen provide for fish
- Introduction of Azolla
- Soil texting unit : pH meter,
- Tissue culture
- Microbiology
Some full form
Date :. 2/6/2022
Suvarna mam conduct our lecture on Blog writing
Conduct Lecture by Prathamesh sir on Empathy
Design Thinking Process
Design Thinking 5 process :-
1) Empathize
3) Ideate
4) Prototype
5) Test
Date : 4/6/2022
Submission of assignment on empathy
( Need to collect data from farmers , worker, student or labour their daily activities , Problem, solution on problem)
Date : 5/6/2022
Dixit sir lecture on IC engine ( Internal Combustion Engine)
In IC engine a spark ignition engine the fuel is mixed with air and then inducted into the cylinder during the intake process.
After the piston compresses the fuel air mixture the spark ignite it causing Combustion
The expansion of Combustion gases push the piston during the power stroke
Crucial components needed to make the run a fuel to burn oxygen to support Combustion and an ignition source to start Combustion.
Date : 8/6/2022
Review session on empathy and new topic- Human body Photosynthesis Energy Cycle ( Nitrogen cycle)
Empathy – By Observation
By Experience
. By Talking
In human body :
H2 : number of atom in human body is more than other atom
O2: Weight is high
Date: 9/6/2022
Lecture: Solar thermal , Photovoltaic and Photosynthesis
Preparation of Presentation – 1) आच्छादन
2) शोषखड्डा