
3 Samples from ASK samples were brought to Vigyan Ashram on 27 April 2022. pH, TDS, and LOD of these samples were asked to be checked and delivered the results.


  • To Check pH, TDS of Sample 1: NFL Incoming Distillate, Sample 2: NFL Water, & Sample 3: Freshwater.
  • To perform LOD (Loss on Drying) of Sample 1: NFL Incoming Distillate and Sample 2: NFL Water

Results of pH and TDS:

Sample NamepHTDS
NFL Incoming Distillate3.45453
NFL Water3.03200
Fresh Water7.75315

Find LOD of Sample 1: NFL Incoming Distillate and Sample 2: NFL Water:-

Procedure (for both samples):

  1. 500 ml of sample was taken in a bowl.
  2. Heated on the gas till its volume decreases to around 100 ml.
  3. Then, the evaporated sample was taken in a glass beaker and placed on a magnetic stirrer with a hot plate.
  4. Allowed to evaporate the water till only solid residue is left behind and there is no moisture contained.
  5. The solid residue was scraped from the beaked and weighed.
The sample placed on Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate

Results of LOD:

NFL Incoming Distillate0.245 gm
NFL Water1.444 gm
Concentrate Solid Matter left after LOD