A wick system is a hydroponic growing set-up that uses a soft fabric string known as a wick
in a wick system a cotton or nylon wick absorbs water and nutrients from a solution and supplies it to plants in plastic bags
What is Weak Hydroponic System ?
A wick system is a hydroponic growing set-up that uses a soft fabric string known as a wick. In a wick system, a cotton or nylon wick absorbs water and nutrients from a solution and supplies it to plants in containers or trays.
Objective :
1.To design and fabrication 4 plant structure for calabash for urban gardening.
2.To study a dosing of nutrient for system .
3. To take a trial on system and analyzing the data with respect to growth pattern
Reason for selecting Weak Hydroponic System
Wick system hydroponics are that it’s simple to build and easy to maintain. Whether you choose to keep it small.
Reasons for selecting this system
Material availability
Ease of mobility
Ease of functioning
Ease fabarication
Components Of System :
2.Plastic bags
3.Steel plate (dish)
6.Hanging stand
7.Growing media
Drawing design

from above designs sketch wick hydroponic system
different parameter like dimension bags and no of bags in a series were considered
Advantaage :
1.The simplest form of hydroponics, very accessible for beginners.
2.Cheap and easy to setup.
3.Minimal maintenance required.
4.Uses minimal energy inputs.
5.Ideal for smaller plants like herbs and lettuce.
One of the biggest drawbacks of Wick Systems is that they cannot handle very thirsty plants . The best plants to use in Wick Systems are fast growing lettuces as well as herbs. Herbs such as rosemary that do not require very much water are the very best choices.
Calculation of volume of bag
*Bottam diameter of pot =16.4cm
*Hight of pot =20cm
*Top of diameter of pot =29cm
Approximately=1 liter
whole system is of 4 liters

fabrication of 3D design
3-3-22 to 3-6-22
We have made a hydroponics (wick) system for dudhi crop. dudhi is most commonly vegetables its use for the making food
Setup of hydroponic system
1. Prepared bill of material and purchased all material
2.After buying material perforated the plate center

3.drill the plate and connect the bottle cap and fit nut and bolts
4.wooden sheet was taken for placing bags and it was cut desired dimensions

5 hanging stand arrenge in filed
6 setup of hydroponic was done

1-3-2022 to 14-3-2022
I Have used growing media as brick stone.planting the dudhi crop in bags

There were many difficulties in finding the same
The wind caused the plates and bottles to move too much cousing the water in the flat to fall more and more
1.Effect of snake larvae on dudhi crop 1-4-2022
solution–To reduce the effect of snake larvae we have applied neem oil on the plants leaf.1 ml of neem oil is diluted in 1 lit of water and the applied over the leaf.
2.Drying of 1 plant dudhi crop
solution– after application of neem oil we observed that 1 plants leaf are yellowing and drying.
I stuck the hight on the bottle I of the four bottele plastics i used and i filled the bottle water.created vacuume pressure at the top of the bottle and due to that pressure the water come into the plate.water it after it falls into the plate with the help of water wick in the plate and then water it slowly slowlyfalls on the plant.
Five days after planting i noticed that the growth of the plants in the hydronic system was slowing down and the growth of the plants in the soil i planted in the company was increasing
nitrogen,phoshorus and potassium (N.P.k)
after giving NPK i comes to know that new leaves started sprouting and new leaves started appearing on the plant.

The following are dosing which we have used for the system.
The total system is of 15 litres therefore we made dosing according to 15 litres.
- Ca(NO3)2
Required Nitrogen – 220 ppm
Required Calcium – 88ppm
N = 220/0.15 = 1466 mg
C = 1466×19/100 = 278.5 mg
278 mg × 15litres = 4.17 gm.
2. K2SO4
Required Potassium – 150 ppm
K = 150/0.50 = 300 mg
300× 15 = 4.5gm
3. MgSO4
Required Magnesium – 35 ppm
Mg = 35×100/9.6 = 364 mg
364 × 15= 5.46gm
4. Humic acid 0.1 ml = 0.1 × 15 = 1.5ml
After giving the second dose , i realized that the growth of the plant is increasing rapidly.

All plants are required C,H,O,N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Zn,Cu,B,Mb etc nutrient
1100gm of plant required following dosing ratio
N-10,P-1, K-1, Ca-0.5, mg-0.5, S-0.5
1100 gm of Marigold crop requires following nutrient.
Nitrogen – 40 gm
Phosphrous – 4 gm
Potassium – 4 gm
Calcium – 2 gm
Magnesium – 2 gm
Sulphur – 2 gm
- K2SO4
Molecular mass of k2SO4 is 174.25
In 100 gm of k2SO4 there is 45 % of K i,e 45 gm
Plant need 4 gm of K
Now, 45 = 100
4 = x
Therefore 45 * x = 4 * 100
x = 400/45
K = 8.8 gm
In 100 gm of K2SO4 there is 18.40 of S
i,e 18.4 gm
Therefore = 18.40 = 100
x = 8.8
18.40 * 8.8 = 100 * x
x = 18.40 * 8.8 / 100
x = 1.61
2. MgSO4
In 100 gm of MgSO4 there is 26.197 of S
S = 26.19 = 100
2 = x
26.19 * x = 2 * 100
26.19x = 200
x = 200/26.19
S = 7.6 gm
In 100 gm of MgSO4 there is 20.19 %
Mg = 20.19 = 100
x = 7.6
20.19 * 7.6 = 100x
20.19 * 7.6/100 = x
Mg = 1.53 gm
(10 lit water)
Checking ph fertlizers = 6.59
Docing of Plants :
Making of Nutrient Solution Daily and gave to Plants Everyday .
Date : 27/04/2022
After 40 Days Plants on Flowering Stage .

Problem-My mistake after planting They were not given any fertilizer for 15 days after planting
Disease fell on competitive plant

In half a liter of water mix 4 ml shampoo and sprayed it on the plant.
i observed the flowers were burning in the sunstrock. after discussion with sonal mam we decided give micro-nutrient to plants.
This the micro-nutrients
- Boron
- Phaspharus
- calcum
- zinc
Causes of root roting – The main cause is pore space available in the media ( brick). So growth of bacteria more and bacteria absorb the nutrient and they effect to plant root.
after continues observation, I saw one of the plant root routed. Then I mixture of 10 gm of tricoderma powder in 100ml of water gave that solution to the root of that plant.

Preventing and control– Applying Trichoderma powder. Trichoderma is a genus of soil dwelling fungi found all over the world that are highly effective at colonizing many kind of plant roots ,and inhibiting fungi that cause many types of diseases
1.Up to fil 15 days to the plant neutrient dosing delay so the flower stage was late .
2.After 40 days there was a flowering stage.
3.Diseases on the plant are as follows
a)The snanke larvae appeared
b)tambera worm appeared
c)small diseases
4. due to th sanstrok water consumption is higher
5.when the flower come they begon to rot in owr minds
6.the plant become rout rought
1-4 plant wich designed and fabricated by wick hydroponics system
2-micronutrients are not well received flower buds and plant growth standed
3-If installed this system in my own way I well use it only for specific plants.
4 daily water evaporation loss 500 ml to 100 ml
5.this system is very useful for terrace gardening to the rest this system is low cost and meet easy material and its very to add