Date : 24 /02 /2022

Objective : To standardize the Flame PHOTOMETER and Determine the Potassium content of Given Sample .

Principle of Flame Photometer :

The principle of flame photometers is based on the measurement of the emitted light intensity when metal is introduced into the flame. The wavelength of the color gives information about the element and the color of the flame gives information about the amount of the element present in the sample.

A) Ammonium acetate solution:Dissolve 77g of ammonium acetate in 900ml D.W.Adjust pH to 7.0 by adding 3N Sodium hydroxide solutionMakeup volume upto 1 Liter

B) Standard Potassium Chloride Solution (1000 ppm):Dissolve 1.908 g Potassium Chloride in 1 liter D.W. to get 1000 ppm solution odf Potassium Chloride.From the above solution pipette out 1ml, 3ml, 5ml and 10ml separately into different flasks and makeup volume to 100ml with D.W. We will get 10 ppm, 30ppm, 50ppm and 100ppm standard soultions of Potassium Chloride.

STANDARDIZING FLAME PHOTOMETER: (20 FEB 2022)Ensure that the Air-Tube, Gas-Tube, and Drain-Tube are properly connected.Switch on the Compressor. Ensure that the output pressure is close to 0.45 Kg/cm2 and is stable.Dip the Atomizer capillary tube (plastic) distilled water. Ensure the regular drplets fall in Drain-Cup and drains out.Open the FUEL GAS FINE ADJ Valve by approximately half turn.

Switch on the fuel supply from the fuel source/LPG cylinder and IMMEDIATELY IGNITE THE PLAME through the IGNITION Window.Watch the flame through the FLAME VIEW Window.

Do fine adjustment of fuel flow with the help of the GAS control. Valve to get a stable flame having well defined cones.

Once the burner unit is ignited and set, follow the steps described below:Turn on Mains POWER switch. Digital display should turn on.

Turn the SET FS, COUARSE, SET FS, FINE, SET ZERO COARSE and SET ZERO FINE controls in maximum clockwise position.

Set SENSTIVITY at HIGH.Select the filter Potassium (K).Feed distilled water to the atomizer, wait for atleast 30 seconds.

Turn SET ZERO COARSE slowly in anticlockwise direction till the readout of the digital display approaches zero.Adjust SET ZERO FINE to achieve precise zero setting.

Now feed the Standard solution of 100 ppm to the atomizer and wait for 30 sec.Turn SET FS, COURSE in anticlockwise direction till 100 is reached .

SET FS FINE may be adjusted for precise setting.Feed other standard solutions of 10, 30, 50 ppm solutions one by one, wait for 30 sec each time and cross check the reading weather showing correctly.

Then feed the test sample solution (diluted) to the automizer to get the relative concentration, wait for 30 sec and then take reading.

Dilution of test sample:As the given test sample was concentrated, it was needed to be diluted.

Therefore, 1ml of the test sample was taken in a volumetric flask and makeup up to 100 ml with 20 ml Ammonium acetate solution and remaining distilled water.

Again 1 ml from of diluted sample was taken and again further diluted by adding more 20ml distilled water.

total potassium = 106 ppm .