Need of Oxygen Concentrator at Fish Tank:
- Fishes are very sensitive to the level of oxygen dissolved in the water. Reduction in the value of dissolved oxygen(DO) of water causes the death of fishes.
- Implementing oxygen concentrator under controlled conditions.
Task 1 : Reading of Oxygen Concentrator
Taking the readings of Oxygen Concentration and LPM of the concentrator.
Task 2: Measuring DO of water in fish tank

For measuring the DO of fish tank the first step was to caliberate the DO meter. Following steps were taken for calibration of DO meter:
- Make sure the sensor is DO probe and remove the protection cap.
- Turn power on and press MODE to choose O2 mode. Wait 10 minutes to 30 minutes for the probe to polarise. The reading should be approx 101.7% (saturation) after the probe has completely polarized.
- Let the probe in the air. Press and hold calorie button for 3 sec to enter calibration mode. The display will appear CAL and flashing 101.7%. When the display stops flashimg and indicates “SA“, then “END” while calibration ends, and will return to measurement mode.
- Optional ‘zero oxygen’ calibration (improves measurement acccuracy for very high or very low DO measurements). Place the probe into a zero oxygen calibration solution , such as 5% sodium sulfite, wait for stability and press and hold cal button to enter caliberation mode. Stability in a zero solution may take many minutes depending on the probe history.
All the steps mentioned in the aquasol manual were followed but the probe didn’t get caliberated. This assignment is on hold as calibration of probe isn’t achieved.