Objectives :
- To identify and isolate microorganism present in ETP plant.
Procedure :
Step : 1 Isolation of microorganism
Step : 2 Identification of microorganisms
Step : 1 Isolation of microorganism :
- Preparation and sterilization of media : Prepared NA and PDA media. sterilized in autoclave at temperature 121°C and pressure 12 lbps.
- Pouring of media and inoculation of culture.
- Kept plates for incubation at room temperature for 6/7 days.
- Observe the growth of microorganisms.

Step : 2 Identification of microrganisms :
- Preparation and sterilization of media : Prepared NA and PDA media. sterilized in autoclave at temperature 121°C and pressure 12 lbps.
- Pouring of media and inoculation of culture.
- Kept plates for incubation at room temperature for 6/7 days.
- Observe the growth of microorganisms.

Result :
Isolation and identification of microorganisms from ETP has been done.