Hii, I am Tejashree Shakuntala Subhash Shinde. I have completed my B.Sc. (Agri.) from government college ‘College of Agriculture, Pune’ and M.Sc.(Agri.) from RCSM, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth ,Rahuri. My native place is Pabal Tal. Shirur, Dist.- Pune.
Everyman in his situation of life can serve his country doing his duty to the best of his ability. So whatever be my occupation in life I can serve my country by doing my duty well. I can serve my country in many ways. I am student of science. I want to help farmers.
Today, farmers are facing many problems. Farmers produces more food but it contains less nutrients. Zinc deficiency is 5th leading cause of death and disease in developing world. In, Maharashtra, about 60-80% deficiency of zinc occurs in soils of some districts. Zn deficiency especially in infants and young children under 5 years of age has received global attention. According to WHO, about 8,00,000 people die annually due to Zn deficiency of which 4,50,000 are children under age of 5. Therefore , I selected my topic ‘Effect of Zn application on nutrient uptake of vegetables’

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