UVC light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum that spans 100-400nm. It is divided into 3 types UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC which is an visible light spanning the range of 100-280nm and has powerful germicidal properties so UVC light use as disinfectant for water, surface, air etc. Ultra Violet disinfection usually involves a UV lamp. The UV lamp is used to provide pure and safe drinking water. The UV light used in this process is a high powered UV termed as UV-C or germicidal UV.
UVC rays have the shortest wavelength, and therefore highest energy, they are capable of killing bacteria and viruses, also called pathogens. Water is disinfected as it runs through a stainless steel chamber containing a UV lamp. As water flows past the lamp, illness-causing microorganisms receive a lethal dose of UV light that attacks their DNA and eliminates their ability to reproduce. Harmful bacteria and viruses are deactivated, and your family is safe.
Under no circumstances should you stare at a UV-C light source for any amount of time. When UV-C light shines on water or if the bulb is immersed in the water, some of the light penetrates the water and is absorbed by germs, such as bacteria and viruses, in the water. The average bacterium will be killed in ten seconds at a distance of six inches from the lamp in an American Ultraviolet Germicidal Fixture.
UV light can have efficient inactivation of bacteria up to a distance of eight feet on either side and exposure time of 30 minutes is adequate. The medical profession was the first to endorse the germicidal effect of UV lamps and it has been used traditionally to disinfect operation theaters.
Objectives: Make Easy To Handle To make affordable, portable, low cost and replicable water filter system to get drinkable water.
Suhas Sir has created this filter, but it needs some improvements, therefore I worked on those modifications.
I changed all plumbing-related issues in the first filter since they needed to be changed, and I also worked on the issue where, after the water filter, germs are dead but their dead bodies are still in the water.
I have changed all of the plumbing parts. I have checked every plumbing store to see which part is correct, and I have finally found one steel part. I will show it to the sir, who says it is correct, but he also advised me to look at other parts because there was a problem with the steel part when I first got it, so I have changed it. I have since found the correct parts, and the sir says it is good, so I have finalised this parts.
And I’ll Work On The Second Problem In The Filter Still Remain Dead Germ Bodies So I Thought A Lot And I Have Getting A One Clue So I Tried This And This Get Successful I Made In First Filter Carbon Candle Is Mounted On Top Side So I Change Place Of Carbon Candle And It Is Mounted On Bottom Side Near The Tap So What Will Happen In Water Remaining Germ Bodies Absorb Carbon Filter And We Will Get Dead Germ Bodies Free Water.
Later, I’ll check the water flow rate, so I’ll fill the tank with 10 litres of water, filter it, turn on the tap, and time how long it takes for 10 litres to flow. I’ve observed that it takes 6 to 6.15 minutes.
Components Required:
Sr.No | Components | Quantity |
1) | 20-30 Liter Water Tank | 01 |
2) | UV-C Tube (9W) | 01 |
3) | UV Tube Connecctor | 02 |
4) | Cable Holder | 02 |
5) | Carbon Candle (Aquasure Kitanu Magnet) | 01 |
6) | Solar Panel | 01 |
7) | Solar Inverter | 01 |
8) | MTA Plain 3/4″ | 01 |
9) | Elbow Brass 90 Deagree | 01 |
10) | 3/4″ Pipe (1m) | 01 |
11) | FTA Plain 3/4″ | 01 |
12) | Tank Connector 3/4″ | 01 |
13) | 1/2″x 3/4″ GI Reducing Socket |
01 |
14) | Plastic T Cock Water Tap | 01 |
I used an Aquasure Kitanu Magnet Carbon Candle in this filter; here are more details about it.

How To Make A Water Filter?
You must attach the filter using the following method.
1) These things will be in the box you receive.
2) The UV tube connection must be joined to the UV tube through two holes in the tank cover that are provided, as illustrated in the picture below, using a nut-bolt.
3) Drop the cable from the provided cable holder to connect the UV tube.
4) The CPVC pipe should be connected to the inside of the tank and then to the elbow connector on the opposite side.
5) The elbow connector should have the filter candle mounted to it.
6) Your filter will be ready to use if you do this.
How TO Use This Filter:
1) Open the water tank’s cover and pour water inside while you fill the tank.
2) For 15 minutes, the UV tube needs to be on. When turning on the UV tube, caution should be taken to make sure that the UV tube is enclosed and protected.
3) The UV tube should not be opened while it is on since UV rays might injure our skin and eyes.
4) The UV tube should be turned on for 15 minutes after adding fresh water, then turned off.
5) Either a solar inverter or a regular household electrical connection can power the UV tube. Remove the power connection after 15 minutes.
What Are The Safety Procedures For Cleaning A Water Filter?
1) The tank’s carbon candle should be taken out and reinstalled after the filter has been thoroughly cleaned with soapy water.
2) Remove the UV tube’s cover so you may clean the tank. The electrical connection should now be entirely disconnected. When handling the UV tube, please be careful.
3) Replace the UV tube-equipped cover after cleaning the tank.
4) After two to three days, the filter should be cleaned.
5) After six months, a carbon candle needs to be changed.
If you want to completely understand how to build a filter, how to put one together, how to clean a filter, how to take basic safety precautions, and how to use a filter, you can find all of this information in one manual, so please refer to it.
To anyone interested in learning how this filter operates and anyone wishing to teach in a school or for our own information, I will create a single documentation of this filter. In this documentation, I will explain how this filter functions, how it is superior to others, and also mention all different types of filters and how they operate, along with their benefits and drawbacks.
Here are some pictures that were taken while working.

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