Introduction:- Multimeter is a device used to measure all electricity parameters.In this task we check the voltage generating from solar modules.and how to operate solar dome bulb using modules voltage.
1) To study the resister
2) To operate micro solar dome using resister and regulator ic using open circuit voltage of solar module.
3) Use of resister in voltage minimizing.
Date 25/03/22
we took solar modules and put in the sunlight.The solar modules was charged due to exposure to sun.then we measured the voltage of solar module with multimeter.i.e 10.8 v (3w 10v parallel connected two modules)
We connected the solar dome bulb to variable power supply.we check the voltage required to solar dome bulb i.e 6v approximately.
Date 26/03/22
voltage coming from solar module is 10.8 v and dome bulb require 6v.we learn resister information from website.the color codes and value of resister.e.x 1k,2k,10k etc.
1k =1000 ohm
After we joint voltage divider circuit.we take two resistors having value 10k R1=10k R2=10k Vin=10.8v Vout=?Vout=Vin×[R2/R1+R2]=10.8×[10/10+10]=5v
our bulb not operate at 5v.additional 1v required.
We select R1=10k R2=16k but 16k resister is not available in our fablab.we take decision to connect the resisters in series for obtaining 16k value.
we take R2=9.7k+4.6k+2.2k =16.5k and R1=9.7kAfter conduct this trial we got 7.05 volt.but our requirement not trial we take R1=9.7k+2.1k=11.8k R2=9.7k+2.1k+4.6k=16.4k after conduct this trial we got 6.5 volt discontinuous output voltage.
Date 28/03/22
we learn the process of attaching the voltage regulator in the circuit.after that we connect the 6 v voltage regulator in our circuit, the bulb operating properly.
Date 7/04/22
Soldering to ic and dome bulb and solar module connections.
Date 21/04/22
one customer contact to vigyan ashram for solving their problem of darkness room available in their house and electricity was consume and bills was more so, for solving their day problem installed the micro solar dome in their house.

Result:- The input voltage from module is 10.8 v and output voltage from voltage regulator is 6v.
Conclusion:- Dome bulb don’t operate using resister in the circuit.while using voltage regulator,it operates properly.The voltage regulators specially designed for constant output voltage.