Wastewater and “it’s need of treatment”
Are we aware about today’s Water condition. Are we aware about wastewater properties, its importance (in terms of reuse) and management.

As per standards we are using nearly about 135 lit/capita/day and directly or indirectly we are consuming all water and producing waste. after calculating i got some data, that we can easily treat and recover 80% wastewater to reusable water
So for treatment we have to use simple Technics which may cause initial investment at high rate but the recovery is good at outlet of the treatment plant
as a part of social recognition and water security, a public buildings or a institutes or societies can implement it and the institutes/public buildings/societies may create awareness in between the stakeholders/ users and in surrounding areas
it can generate funds for maintenance by providing training program related to implementation of wastewater treatment plant in trainers area
Need of treatment
As a student of civil engineering i have Started working wastewater treatment plant
With the help of Yogeshwari Education Society, Ambajogai & Manavlok NGO, Ambajogai and Under guidance of My collage MBES COE Ambajogaoi. I established a Wastewater treatment plant which is in modification level (due to Covid19 lockdown) and it will help to make , wastewater coming from boys hotel (of Yogeshwari College) reusable for watering the plants near to the campus